
Consulting/Independent Contractor Agreement

Consulting/Independent Contractor Agreement

This agreement is designed to be used as a starting place for companies seeking to engage individuals and/or entities providing services to the company as independent third parties rather than employees. The distinction between independent contractors and employees is a complex matter of state and federal law and requires advice of counsel, and this form agreement may need to be tailored to the laws of the governing state. Consulting/independent contractor agreements may contain important provisions regarding the ownership of intellectual property and other work product created by the contractor.

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A standard contract for a company to engage the services of an independent contractor, the consulting/independent contractor agreement outlines the services to be provided, compensation, material terms, and the duration of the arrangement. The agreement is designed to protect both the company and the contractor’s interests and ensure a smooth working relationship. The agreement outlines the specific services that the contractor will provide, any deadlines that both parties agree upon, and any compensation the contractor will receive and when. The document may also include an overview of intellectual property rights and ownership, confidentiality information, and company representations and warranties, including that the contractor assigns all rights in any IP to the company. Lastly, the document provides guidelines regarding the term of the relationship and the process for termination. The consulting/independent contractor agreement helps protect both parties’ rights, defines expectations, and memorializes the intent that there be no employer-employee relationship between the parties.