
Indemnification Agreement

Indemnification Agreement

An agreement used to protect a company’s officers and directors from personal liability with respect to actions taken in their official capacities on behalf of the company.

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A company can include language in its charter, bylaws and/or operating agreement that exacerbates officers and directors from personal liability for certain actions authorized or taken on behalf of the entity and/or, that indemnifies officers and directors for expenses and losses incurred as a result of claims brought against them in their capacities as representatives acting on behalf of the company. In addition to the provisions in the company’s charter and/or bylaws, a company may choose to sign a separate indemnification agreement with each member of its board of directors and/or each officer. The agreement often contains terms that supplement the indemnification provisions outlined in the charter and bylaws. The document outlines procedures for advancement of expenses, procedures, and provisions related to the presumption for determination of entitlement to indemnification, and exceptions to the right of indemnification. The document also includes information on the duration of the agreement and provisions regarding limitations and enforcement of the agreement.