
Nondisclosure Agreement (One-Way)

Nondisclosure Agreement (One-Way)

This agreement is similar to the mutual NDA, but used when only one party is sharing non-public, confidential, and/or proprietary information.

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The one-way NDA, also referred to as a unilateral NDA, is similar to the mutual NDA. However, this type of NDA is used when only one of the parties anticipates disclosing non-public, confidential, and/or proprietary information to the other party and requires the disclosed information to be protected from additional disclosure. By signing a nondisclosure agreement, the recipient assumes the obligation not to disclose the non-public, confidential, and/or proprietary information shared, as defined in the agreement. The NDA details the obligations of confidentiality, including how the information will be handled by the recipient and what the result will be if the recipient fails to treat the confidential information in compliance with those requirements outlined in the NDA. Additionally, the NDA typically includes provisions outlining the rights related to any intellectual property disclosed.