Germain DeMartinis

Germain is a former small business owner who brings his first-hand experience as an entrepreneur and employer to bear on his practice. He regularly assists clients with entity formation, corporate governance issues, customer and vendor agreements, financing, mergers and acquisitions, asset sales, and securities filings.


Nickname: DeMo

First Job: Working construction for a set and prop shop in Los Angeles

Second Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Butter Pecan

Favorite App: Songkick – I love live music and always want to know when my favorite bands are nearby.

Why I like working with emerging companies: I appreciate the very hard work and passion that goes into starting and growing a company. From experience, I know the pitfalls that entrepreneurs may encounter and the intense satisfaction that comes with achieving business goals. I enjoy being helpful and guiding companies to find success and I savor sharing in that entrepreneurial excitement.

Learn more about Germain DeMartinis