This week, the Obama administration released its final rules for Accountable Care Organizations, both parties in the Florida case ruled on by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals sped up their filings to the Supreme Court so the legal proceedings may advance more swiftly, and HHS launched its new Innovation Advisors program, which will select 200 health care experts to work with providers on developing methods to improve the health care delivery system.
On Thursday (10/20), the Obama administration unveiled final rules for Accountable Care Organizations, creations of the Affordable Care Act intended to improve patient care through better coordination between physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers. The final rule, which CMS Administrator Donald Berwick said incorporates more than 1,300 stakeholder comments, includes a number of changes from the proposed rule. Those changes include increasing incentives and streamlining the Shared Savings Program, expanding participation of rural health clinics and federally qualified health centers, lowering the number of quality metrics health care providers must meet to qualify for performance bonuses, and utilizing a more flexible application timeline. Additionally, the final rule eliminated the requirement that at least 50 percent of ACO physicians achieve meaningful use of electronic health records.
In an effort to eliminate incentives for health insurance plans to avoid taking on people with pre-existing conditions, PPACA is calling for a risk adjustment program to ensure health insurance plans have additional money necessary to provide health services to these individuals.
On Monday (10/17), HHS launched its "Innovation Advisors" program, created by the Affordable Care Act. Through the Innovation Advisors program, HHS will select up to 200 experts to work with health care providers on methods to improve the health care delivery system.
On Tuesday (10/18), HHS and CMS announced new proposed rules to eliminate regulatory burdens and save hospitals and providers $1.1 billion annually. The announcement is tied to a broader effort across all government agencies to cut wasteful regulations and spending as requested in an executive order from President Obama.
Medicare auditors uncovered over half a billion dollars in improper payments during the first nine months of the 2011 fiscal year, far exceeding the amount found in 2010.
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), a research organization created by the Affordable Care Act, named Dr. Anne Beal as chief operating officer. PCORI is tasked with bending the cost curve of Medicare by employing comparative effectiveness research at the federal level.
Both the Obama administration and the parties opposing its Affordable Care Act in the Florida lawsuit (26 states and National Federation of Independent Business) have accelerated filings to the Supreme Court, submitting preliminary arguments well ahead of deadlines.
On Wednesday (10/20), Senate Republicans proposed eliminating a provision included in the Health Care Reconciliation Act, which imposes a 3.8 percent tax on the investment income of upper-income wage earners starting in 2013.
On Friday (10/14), House and Senate committees submitted their recommended budget cuts and reforms to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. The "Supercommittee" has until November 23 to write legislation that cuts $1.2 trillion from the federal budget over the next 10 years.
The California Department of Health Care Services announced the application process for its Medicaid Electronic Health Records Incentive Program is now up and running. The state is prepared to hand out up to $1.4 billion in federal incentive funding to hospitals and physician groups treating beneficiaries of California’s Medicaid program.
On Monday (10/24) at 11:30 a.m. in 2218 Rayburn, the Congressional Health Care Caucus held a briefing titled "States and Their Initiatives on Solving the Uninsured Problem."
On Thursday (10/27) at 12:00 p.m., the Center for American Progress will host a panel to discuss a new policy brief about "Maintaining Health Coverage after Life Transitions."
On Friday (10/28) at 9:30 a.m., AEI will host an event titled "Costly Tradeoffs for Health Benefits: Are Even Lower Wages and Bleaker Futures Ahead?"
Also on Friday (10/28) at 12:15 p.m., the Alliance for Health Reform is hosting a briefing titled “Medicaid Innovations: Can Managed Care Cut Costs and Improve Value?”
To view our compilation of recent health care reform implementation news, click here.