In a Law360 article, "Philly Firms Ready To Soak Up DNC Spotlight," Cozen O'Connor and Cozen O'Connor Public Strategies are highlighted as active participants in events and planning surrounding the Democratic National Convention. The piece discusses how various law firms are engaging with the DNC, noting that founder Steve Cozen and Mark Alderman, chairman of Cozen O'Connor Public Strategies have served on the DNC host committee. Counsel Blake Rutherford is also featured for his elected position as a "pledged delegate for presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton." Blake also discusses the events that Cozen O'Connor is hosting in conjunction with the convention, including "a series of daily lunch events with speakers addressing different topics related to the 2016 presidential campaign." Blake says these programs present opportunities for "substantive policy discussions around a number of issues that are important to business, so we’re active in participating in those conversations.” View the full article here (login required).