In an article titled "Q&A: Minus the flak jacket, attorney joins raid on fake goods," David Sunshine, member of Cozen O'Connor's Intellectual Property Department, discusses a U.S. Customs and Border Protection raid that he participated in on behalf of one of his clients. The raid was the fourth that David participated in. According to David, "for every (fake product) these guys find there are probably 20 that get through, only because they're searching enormous pallets of goods and manpower is limited. Other ways are internet monitoring, having a good law firm in China working for you, putting protections in the goods and packaging so it's easy to tell if a product is fake or not, and a good public relations component, to show you're not going to roll over. (Training agents and participating in raids) costs money but ultimately you have the government doing some of the work for you. You spend a little money on front end and you save a little on the back end."