Cozen O’Connor is committed to equal employment opportunities for all of its employees. As a firm, our goals are to recruit professionals from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, maximize the unique potential of each employee, and build a welcoming and supportive environment for all. To pursue this important mission, the firm focuses on three key areas: Recruitment & Hiring, Retention & Promotion, and Community Engagement.
Cozen O’Connor is — and always has been — an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate based upon race, color, gender, gender identity, national origin or ancestry, religion, age, disability, citizenship, marital status, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited basis. This policy extends to all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruitment, hiring and advancement.
We understand that recruitment and hiring is only half of the picture. Real attention must also be paid to helping all firm attorneys and staff stay and succeed. Cozen O’Connor promotes career-long professional development.
Both as a firm and as individuals, we are deeply engaged with the communities where we work and live.
The firm operates a multimillion dollar grantmaking entity called the Cozen O’Connor Charitable Foundation. Formally incorporated in the early 2000s, the mission of the foundation is to promote charitable giving in a wide range of areas. It is important to note that our foundation guidelines require that requests for money come from a Cozen O’Connor lawyer who is “closely” involved with the organization, meaning they serve as a board member, event chair, or longtime adviser. As such, foundation donations reflect not only a firmwide monetary commitment but also a time commitment by individual attorneys. Indeed, on an individual basis Cozen O’Connor attorneys are active in a range of bar associations and bar programs. Cozen O’Connor attorneys also provide a wide range of pro bono services under the direction of our full-time director of Pro Bono Engagement. For example, we routinely represent immigrants and refugees through the complicated and often byzantine process of acquiring status that will permit them to live and work in the United States. We protect the rights of military personnel and veterans, assisting them to get the benefits they need and deserve, and representing them in family law, consumer protection, landlord-tenant, and other matters to ensure their rights are protected while they are on active duty. And we represent people with disabilities to ensure that they receive appropriate accommodations in their housing.