Jennifer Brandt Re-appointed ABA Family Law Section Liaison to the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism, Appointed to the ABA FLS Finance Committee

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

PHILADELPHIA, August 3, 2021 — Cozen O’Connor is pleased to announce that Jennifer Brandt, chair of the firm’s Family Law Group, has been re-appointed as the ABA Family Law Section Liaison to the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism and appointed to the ABA Family Law Section Finance Committee. The Standing Committee on Professionalism’s mandate is to preserve and promote within the entire legal community principles of professionalism, including integrity, civility, competence, fairness, independence, courage, respect for the legal system, recognizing the importance of diversity and equity in promoting a just society, and a devotion to public service. The Finance Committee oversees the section’s finances and offers recommendations to the section chair regarding financial policies. 

Brandt has significant experience representing parties in divorce, custody, and support/alimony matters throughout both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She assists parties with paternity issues, adoptions,  and matters concerning assisted reproduction technology. She also negotiates prenuptial, post-nuptial and cohabitation agreements and mediates and arbitrates family law cases. Brandt lectures regularly and plans courses for attorneys and other professionals on the topic of family law for organizations such as the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Institute, the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants and New Jersey ICLE.

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