Good Cause Eviction Law and What Coops and Condos Need to Know 

July 11, 2024

Commencing on August 18, 2024, all owners of residential properties in the State of New York must add a new notice to their residential leases. This includes cooperatives (coops) and condominiums (condos).

On January 17, 2024, New York State’s Real Property Law (RPL) was amended by adding Article 6-a, the so-called “Good Cause Eviction Law.” The purpose of this new legislation is to prohibit the eviction of residential tenants or the non-renewal of residential leases without a court order and good cause unless an exemption applies.

While coops and condos do fit within an exemption category, boards and/or owners must nevertheless comply with the notice requirements and include the Good Cause Eviction Law Notice in their leases, including all new and existing coop proprietary leases. The form requires residential property owners to identify all of the applicable exemptions related to each individual property. We encourage coop and condo boards to publish a completed form notice for their buildings, which specifically identifies all applicable exemptions.


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Leni Morrison Cummins

Chair, Condominiums & Cooperatives

(212) 883-4954

Jennifer D. Miller


(212) 883-4908

Related Practices

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about the Good Cause Eviction Notice and how it can be customized for your building, please contact the authors, Leni Cummins or Jennifer Miller.