William N. Clark, Jr.


William N. Clark, Jr. joined the firm in October 1992 and practices in the Philadelphia office’s Subrogation & Recovery Department.

Bill earned his Bachelor of Science at Trenton State College in 1989 and his law degree at Rutgers University at Camden in 1993.





1.56 Million Additional Gree Manufactured Dehumidifiers Have Been Recalled For Fire Hazards [Alert]

August 21, 2023

Close to 10 million dehumidifiers have been recalled in the last 10 years. Most recently, Gree announced a recall of 1.56 million Gree-manufactured dehumidifiers.

Eight Million Portable Dehumidifiers Recalled in The Last 10 Years [Alert]

February 07, 2023

The use of portable dehumidifiers poses a significant fire risk as almost every major brand of dehumidifier has been recalled in the last 10 years.

Subrogation and Recovery for Winter Storm Jonas [Subrogation & Recovery Alert]

January 28, 2016

William N. Clark, Jr., and Alexa Sebia discuss Winter Storm Jonas and potential subrogation opportunities.

Fall 2009 [Subrogation and Recovery Observer]

October 01, 2009

Fall 2009 - Subrogation and Recovery Observer - Welcome to the Fall 2009 issue of the Cozen O'Connor Subrogation and Recovery Observer. In this issue, we report on our recent trial victories, notable settlements, and other newsworthy developments in subrogation issues

Events & Seminars

Past Events

2010 Ohio Subrogation Seminar

March 25, 2010 - Columbus, OH

Industry Sectors


  • Rutgers University School of Law - Camden, J.D., 1993
  • The College of New Jersey, B.S., 1989
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania