Unleashing Ecocide: Conscripting International Prosecutors into the Fight Against Climate Change

Ethan Heller discusses how the addition of Ecocide as a crime under the United Nations’ Rome Statute could help curb and mitigate the harmful effects of climate change on humanity’s collective wellbeing, in the Georgetown Law Review.

Ethan argues that the United Nations' Rome Statute, which allows for the international prosecution of the most serious crimes against humanity, should add Ecocide as a crime. He explains that a law of Ecocide, defined as willful harm perpetrated on the environment, would essentially allow the International Criminal Court prosecutors to go after both national elected officials and multinational corporate leaders who attack the environment by act or omission.

“It’s time for the UN to add international prosecutors into the fight against climate change before the climate changes beyond a tipping point,” Ethan urges. 

To read the full article, click here.

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Ethan Heller



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