Can I Force My Building to Install Electric-Car Chargers?

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Leni Cummins is quoted in The New York Times discussing the current demand for electric cars and how state laws will eventually have to make accommodations to this demand.  

The sale of combustion engines for cars and light trucks will be banned in New York by 2035. The Department of Transportation anticipates equipping 40 percent of parking spots in municipal lots with Level 2 chargers while also installing 10,000 curbside stations.

“I know 2035 is a long time from now, but the state is going electric,” Leni states.

As the demand for electric cars continues to rise, so will the demand for charging stations. It is anticipated that state laws will eventually compel co-op boards to lift restrictions and grant electric car owners a way to charge their vehicles.

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