Edward M. Weisz

Co-Chair, Patent Prosecution

Recent News:

Intellectual Property Department Honored by World Trademark Review

Cozen O'Connor’s Intellectual Property Department has again been included in the World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000).

Edward practices in all areas of intellectual property law, most recently focusing his work on U.S. patent and trademark prosecution, counseling, and licensing.

Edward prosecutes patent applications and renders legal opinions and advises clients on infringement, freedom to operate, and validity issues in the electrical, mechanical, consumer products, product packaging, and business method arts concerning the following technologies: medical devices, communications systems, home furnishings, plumbing, table top goods, packaging, and telephony (optical and mobile communications) systems, analog and digital circuitry, microelectronics and semiconductor device design, optic and laser technologies (including amplification and optical routing), teleconferencing systems, RF amplification, spectroscopy, thermal dissipation devices, and manufacturing processes.

A substantial portion of Edward’s practice is devoted to trademark and copyright matters. He represents and assists clients in all aspects of securing trademark and copyright protection, in litigation, and in the enforcement and licensing of trademarks and copyrights. He has represented clients in pretrial proceedings and in oral and written arguments before federal courts and before examiners and various tribunals of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and other U.S. government agencies.

Edward earned his electrical engineering undergraduate degree from Rutgers University, College of Engineering in 1987 and his law degree from New York Law School in 1991.




Intellectual Property Department Honored by World Trademark Review

February 04, 2025

Cozen O'Connor’s Intellectual Property Department has again been included in the World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000).

Seven Cozen O’Connor Intellectual Property Attorneys Recognized by IAM Patent 1000

June 13, 2024

IAM Patent 1000 has named Frank Abramonte, Blake Coblentz, Thomas Fisher, Keith Fredlake, Jeffrey Gendzwill, Barry Golob, and Edward Weisz to their 2024 list.

Intellectual Property Department Honored by World Trademark Review 2024

February 06, 2024

Cozen O'Connor’s Intellectual Property Department was recognized by World Trademark Review 1000. Amy Divino, Noelle Engle-Hardy, Lisa Ferrari, Shane Hardy, Ashley Kessler, Lorraine Linford, Camille Miller, Melanie Miller, Brigeeta Richdale, and Edward Weisz were named to the World Trademark Review 1000 list.

Five Cozen O’Connor Intellectual Property Attorneys Recognized by IAM Patent 1000

August 08, 2023

IAM Patent 1000 has named Frank Abramonte, Thomas Fisher, Keith Fredlake, Jeffrey Gendzwill, and Edward Weisz to their 2023 list.

Intellectual Property Department Honored by World Trademark Review 2023

February 22, 2023

Cozen O'Connor’s Intellectual Property Department was recognized by World Trademark Review 1000.

Cozen O’Connor Intellectual Property Attorneys Recognized by IAM Patent 1000

July 22, 2022

IAM Patent 1000 has named Frank Abramonte, Thomas Fisher, Keith Fredlake, Jeffrey Gendzwill, and Edward Weisz to their 2022 list.

The Inside BS on Patents and Intellectual Property Law

April 04, 2022

Edward Weisz joined Dave Lorenzo's Inside BS Show to discuss the value of intellectual property to a business as well as many other aspects of intellectual property law.

Think Before You Pin: Pinterest & Copyright

February 24, 2022

Edward Weisz spoke with Thomas Jefferson University discussing fair use, a section of the copyright law also called Title 17 of the United States Code that governs the protection of works while promoting scholarship.


Taylor Swift’s copyright battle: Inspiration or infringement? [World Intellectual Property Review]

January 07, 2022

Edward Weisz and Keren Goldberger co-authored an article about Taylor Swift's infringement suit with one of her songs reflecting the complex copyright issues facing musicians.

The Price of Fame: Tiffany Settles 8-Year Lawsuit With Costco Over Use of Company Name in Ring Displays [Total Retail]

August 31, 2021

Edward Weisz and Keren Goldberger co-authored an article about how the Second Circuit Court of Appeals recently made clear that Tiffany’s 73 trademarks — many registered in connection with jewelry — will not protect it against others using “Tiffany” when that term has become commonly used to describe a particular six-prong diamond ring setting.

Kylie Jenner's 'Stormi' TM Battle Evinces A Celebrity Catch-22 [Law360]

March 13, 2020

Edward Weisz and Brianne Polito co-authored an article about Kylie Jenner filing various trademarks for her daughter.

Right of Publicity and Fair Use: Sure to Raise Eyebrows [New York Law Journal]

August 23, 2019

Edward Weisz and Brianne Polito wrote about companies using the name of a celebrity as a tie-in to a product seeking to connote a celebrity's characteristic or feature.

Why CBD-infused food and beverages could be ripe for a labelling class action [World Trademark Review]

June 13, 2019

Edward Weisz wrote about the legal landscape for food and beverage manufacturers looking to enter the hemp-based cannabidiol (CBD) market.

Events & Seminars

Past Events

Cross-Border Practice

March 07, 2024


  • New York Law School, J.D., 1991
  • Rutgers University, B.S.E.E., 1987

Awards & Honors

IAM Patent 1000, 2022-2024

World Trademark Review 1000, 2023-2025

  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • U.S. District Court -- Eastern District of New York
  • U.S. District Court -- New Jersey
  • U.S. District Court -- Southern District of New York
  • American Bar Association
  • New Jersey State Bar Association
  • New York State Bar Association