Manufactured Housing

Manufactured housing is a critical component of our nation’s housing stock. The team at Cozen O’Connor has been representing manufactured housing community owners, developers, and investors for more than 25 years, and our attorneys have experience with all aspects of the industry.

We work collaboratively with clients to maximize the value of their properties. We advise on acquisition and sale, refinancing, state and local governmental approvals, community relations, entitlements, and operating documents. We also represent community owners in rent control negotiations and litigation, failure to maintain claims, and dispute prevention and resolution.

Cozen O’Connor is a go-to firm for owners seeking to subdivide, close, or redevelop their communities. We advise and assist with all aspects of entitlements, contracts, and deal structure.

Cozen O’Connor’s Manufactured Housing Practice is unusual in that we offer deep knowledge of the patchwork local and state regulations that govern this industry, as well as general land use, in the context of a full-service national real estate practice.

As part of our commitment to excellence, we stay current on state and local politics, legal and regulatory shifts, and broader marketplace events that may affect our manufactured housing clients. Our team leaders are often invited to speak at industry events on business and legal strategies.

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Coastal Communities Require Permits from Coastal Commission and from HCD for Mobile Home Construction [Alert]

June 29, 2021

Tom Casparian discusses the California Court of Appeals decision that the CCC and HCD have overlapping jurisdiction when it comes to mobile home construction and replacement in the coastal zone.

Mobile Home Parks, Rental Property and COVID-19 Government Orders

August 06, 2020

Thomas Casparian provided an update for the Manufactured Housing Educational Trust —Mobile Home E-Series, to answer some questions MHET has posed that are plaguing community management, and help explain the web of emergency rules and restrictions.

Rent Control for Manufactured Housing Communities - CPI Systems

October 01, 2019

Thomas Casparian published an article to MHInsider Magazine explaining inflation-factor rent control systems, their various forms, and how small details can make big differences.

Vacancy Control the Most Onerous Form of Rent Control [MHInsider Magazine]

August 01, 2019

Thomas Casparian contributed an article to MHInsider Magazine explaining some of the most common elements of MHC-specific rent control systems.

Expanded Rent Control Dead — For Now [Alert]

November 07, 2018

Richard Close, Thomas Casparian, Duane Montgomery, Spencer Isaac Eldred, and Susy Forbath discuss California voters rejection of Prop.10, which would have expanded the ability of local governments to implement more comprehensive rent control.

In The News

Thomas Casparian and Brett Watson Named ICLS Pro Bono Volunteers of the Year

August 29, 2023

Thomas Casparian and Brett Watson, members of the firm’s Commercial Litigation Department, have been named Inland Counties Legal Services (ICLS) Pro Bono Volunteers of the Year.

Can America Love Manufactured Housing? It’s Complicated

September 09, 2022

Thomas Casparian, a member of the firm’s commercial litigation department, was recently quoted in a Law360 article that discussed manufactured housing.


Thomas W. Casparian


(310) 460-4471


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